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L'orangerie, est la première partie du château à être restaurer. C'était également la partie la plus endommagée puisqu'elle a été ravagée par un incendie. N'ayant plus de propriétaire, l'orangerie se détériore de plus en plus jusqu'à ce qu'en 1987, le château soit racheté par Jacques Guyot qui attaque la restauration urgente de l'orangerie.
The Orangery was the first part of the château to be restored. It also was the most damaged part because it was destroyed by fire. At the time, the château did not have an owner, therefore, it was left this way and kept deteriorating until 1987 when the château was bought by Jacques GUYOT who started its urgent restoration straight away

Orangerie en 1987
Suite à un incendie, la toiture n'existait plus, les fenêtres non plus, certains murs se sont éffondrés. Tout est à reconstruire.
Orangery in 1987.
After a fire, the roof completely disappeared as well as the windows and some walls collapsed. Everything has to be rebuilt.
Orangery in 1987.
After a fire, the roof completely disappeared as well as the windows and some walls collapsed. Everything has to be rebuilt.

Boutique du Château en 1987
Notre boutique n'a plus de plafond et la cheminée s'est effondrée.
The Shop.
Our shop no longer has a ceiling and the chimney collapsed.
The Shop.
Our shop no longer has a ceiling and the chimney collapsed.

Taille de Pierre
Tailleur de pierre taillant une des pierres qui composeront les lucarnes oeils-de-boeuf.
Cut of the bull's eye window frames.
A stonecutter is cutting the stones that will be composing the bull's eye windows.
Cut of the bull's eye window frames.
A stonecutter is cutting the stones that will be composing the bull's eye windows.

Mise en place des oeils-de-boeuf
Aprés avoir taillé ces piéces de pierres, elles sont montées sur le toit et assemblées.
Installation of the dormer windows.
After the stones were cut, they were mounted on the edge of what will be the roof.
Installation of the dormer windows.
After the stones were cut, they were mounted on the edge of what will be the roof.

Réparation du Fronton
Par la même occasion les tailleurs de pierre taillent des pierres qui remplaceront les plus abimées sur le fronton de l'Orangerie. Elles sont ensuite placées pour pouvoir commencer à recréer la charpente.
Fixing the Pediment.
While we are at cutting stones, the stonecutter created new stones to subsitute the ones that were damaged on the orangery pediment. They were put in place to make it possible to rebuilt the framework.
Fixing the Pediment.
While we are at cutting stones, the stonecutter created new stones to subsitute the ones that were damaged on the orangery pediment. They were put in place to make it possible to rebuilt the framework.

Pose des Sommiers
Avant de pouvoir poser la nouvelle charpente, il faut poser les sommiers qui supporteront ensuite les solives et le sol.
Putting the main beams in place.
Before we can put up the frame, we need to set the main beams which will be supporting the joists and therefore the floor.
Putting the main beams in place.
Before we can put up the frame, we need to set the main beams which will be supporting the joists and therefore the floor.

Grutage des Solives
Les solives sont des pièces de charpente, qui soutiennent le sol et qui portent sur les murs ou sur les poutres.
Towing the joists.
Joists are part of the framework, they carry the floor. These are carried by the walls and the main beams.
Towing the joists.
Joists are part of the framework, they carry the floor. These are carried by the walls and the main beams.

Grutage des Fermes
Grutage des fermes de la charpente. Une ferme est un élément de la charpente qui doit supporter le poids de la couverture de l'Orangerie qui sera très lourde à cause du nombre d'ardoises.
Towing the trusses.
Towing of the trusses that compose the framework. A truss is the piece of the framework that carries the weight of the whole orangery roof which is quite heavy because it is made of slate tiles.
Towing the trusses.
Towing of the trusses that compose the framework. A truss is the piece of the framework that carries the weight of the whole orangery roof which is quite heavy because it is made of slate tiles.

Assemblage de la Charpente
Les ouvrirers les assemblent et les fixent les fermes. C'est un travail de haute voltige puisque les ouvriers ne sont pas retenu par un harnais.
Putting framework together.
The trusses are being secured by the workers. This is a bit of aerobatic work because the workers are not secured by any harness.
Putting framework together.
The trusses are being secured by the workers. This is a bit of aerobatic work because the workers are not secured by any harness.

Chevronnage de la charpente.
Entre les fermes sont installées d'autres longues piéces de bois appelées chevrons. Ceux ci supporteront les voliges.
Installation of rafters.
Inbetween the trusses, some long pieces of wood are put in place. They are the rafters. Their purpose is to carry the battens.
Installation of rafters.
Inbetween the trusses, some long pieces of wood are put in place. They are the rafters. Their purpose is to carry the battens.

Pose des Voliges
En 1988, les ouvriers entament la pose des voliges. Celles ci sont en peuplier. Ce sont les lattes de bois sur lesquelles seront fixées les ardoises.
Installation of battens.
In 1988, the workers started to put the battens in place. These ones are made of poplar. The battens are the wooden laths on which the tiles will be attached.
Installation of battens.
In 1988, the workers started to put the battens in place. These ones are made of poplar. The battens are the wooden laths on which the tiles will be attached.

Les Chéneaux
Avant de poser les tuiles, on pose des chéneaux. Comme une gouttiére, les chéneaux ont pour rôle de diriger l'eau de pluie. La difference est que l'on ne les voit pas contrairement aux goutiéres.
The racks.
Before the tiles are attached, the racks were put is place. Just like gutters, their purpose is to direct the rain. The main difference with gutters is that we can not see the rafts once the tiles are set.
The racks.
Before the tiles are attached, the racks were put is place. Just like gutters, their purpose is to direct the rain. The main difference with gutters is that we can not see the rafts once the tiles are set.

Pose des Ardoises
Après avoir posé les voliges et les chéneaux, on peut terminer le toit et fixer les tuiles en ardoise.
Attaching the tiles.
After the battens and the rafts, it is time to finish the roof and attach the slate tiles.
Attaching the tiles.
After the battens and the rafts, it is time to finish the roof and attach the slate tiles.

Interieur de l'Orangerie
Après quelques reprise de maçonnerie, on commence à recréer un sol stable. Ici on pose du gravier pour installer le chauffage au sol.
The inside.
After a quick masonry fix, we started to recreate a steady floor. Here we put gravel on the floor to welcome the underfloor heating.
The inside.
After a quick masonry fix, we started to recreate a steady floor. Here we put gravel on the floor to welcome the underfloor heating.

Pose de l'Enduit dans l'Orangerie
Après quelques reprises de maçonnerie, on enduit les murs de l'orangerie.
Plastering the Walls.
After some repair of the stonework we can plaster the walls of the orangery.
Plastering the Walls.
After some repair of the stonework we can plaster the walls of the orangery.

Pose du Sol en Pierre de Comblanchien
Une dalle en béton a été coulée, on pose par dessus des dalles en pierre de Comblanchien.
The orangery floor.
On the concrete slab that covers the heating, we lay Comblanchien stones.
The orangery floor.
On the concrete slab that covers the heating, we lay Comblanchien stones.
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