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De la cave au greniers, beaucoup d'énergie a été dépensée dans la rénovation des piéces interieurs du château. Certaines piéces, comme la salle à manger, n'avaient besoin que d'un petit rafraichissement quand d'autres, comme la chambre Lowendal, ont necessité de plus gros travaux.
From the cellar to the attic, a lot of energy was put into the renovation of the numerous rooms of the château. Some rooms like the dining room only needed refreshing when some other rooms like the Lowendal bedroom needed some heavier work.

Chambre Lowendal - Avant
1997. Avant les travaux, cette chambre était en très mauvais état et abritait des chauves-souris.
Lowendal Bedroom - 1997. Before the work started, this room was in a very bad state and was hosting many bats.
Lowendal Bedroom - 1997. Before the work started, this room was in a very bad state and was hosting many bats.

Chambre Lowendal - Après
Après la pose de tenture, d'un miroir, d'un lustre et d'autres meubles, la chambre à retrouvé son éclat d'antan.
Chambre Lowendal - After.
After the fabric wall paper was put up, a huge mirror, a beautiful chandelier and many other pieces of furniture completed the room decoration. The bedroom recovered its old splendour.
Chambre Lowendal - After.
After the fabric wall paper was put up, a huge mirror, a beautiful chandelier and many other pieces of furniture completed the room decoration. The bedroom recovered its old splendour.

Grand Salon - Avant
Le Grand Salon était en assez bon état si l'on fait abstraction de l'énorme trou dans le plafond.
The Great Hall - Before.
The Great Hall was in a good enough state if we forget about the huge hole in the ceiling.
The Great Hall - Before.
The Great Hall was in a good enough state if we forget about the huge hole in the ceiling.

Grand Salon - Après
Après avoir ré-emplâtré le plafond, des meubles sont ajoutées à la décoration.
The Great Hall - After.
After the ceiling was replastered, some old pieces of furniture were added to the decoration.
The Great Hall - After.
After the ceiling was replastered, some old pieces of furniture were added to the decoration.

Vestibule - Avant
Réalisation du décor en coupe de fausses pierres.
Main Hall - Before.
Creation of a fake stone wall decoration.
Main Hall - Before.
Creation of a fake stone wall decoration.

Vestibule - Après
Une fois les murs terminés, le vestibule est décoré avec des trophées de chasse et deux grandes statues.
Main Hall - After.
Once the walls are done, the room is decorated with hunting trophies and two big statues.
Main Hall - After.
Once the walls are done, the room is decorated with hunting trophies and two big statues.

Chambre O'Gorman - Avant
1991. Installation d'un nouveau plancher et d'un peu de décoration.
O'Gorman Bedroom - Before
1991. Setting of a new wood floor and a bit of decoration.
O'Gorman Bedroom - Before
1991. Setting of a new wood floor and a bit of decoration.

La Chambre O'Gorman - Après
La Chambre O'Gorman, aussi connue sous le nom de "Chambre de Madame" ou "Chambre de la Mariée", est prête.
The O'Gorman Room - After
The O'Gorman Room, also known as Madame's Bedroom or the Bride's bedroom, is ready.
The O'Gorman Room - After
The O'Gorman Room, also known as Madame's Bedroom or the Bride's bedroom, is ready.

Salle des Gardes - Avant
1997. La Salle des Gardes est l'une des plus grandes piéces du château. Le sol ne laisse pas encore voir ses specificités, les murs ne sont ni peints ni recouverts, et il n'y a absolument aucun meuble.
Guard Room - Before.
1997. The Guard Room is one of the biggest room in the château. The floor does not let us see its specificities yet. The walls are not yet painted nor covered and there is absolutely no furniture.
Guard Room - Before.
1997. The Guard Room is one of the biggest room in the château. The floor does not let us see its specificities yet. The walls are not yet painted nor covered and there is absolutely no furniture.

Salle des Gardes - Après
Le sol a été nettoyé, les murs ont été repeints puis recouverts de tissus. Des trophées de chasses viennent orner les murs, un salon est un piano font leur appartition pour occuper cette grande piéce.
The Guard Room - After.
The floor was cleaned, the walls were painted white and covered with some yellow fabric. Some hunting trophies arrived to adorn the walls. Pieces of furniture and a piano were placed to take up the room space.
The Guard Room - After.
The floor was cleaned, the walls were painted white and covered with some yellow fabric. Some hunting trophies arrived to adorn the walls. Pieces of furniture and a piano were placed to take up the room space.

Salle à Manger - Avant
1994. Rafraichissement de la Salle à Manger. Nettoyage, Peinture et Amenagement.
Dining Room - Before
1994. Freshening up of the Dining Room. Cleaning, Painting and Fitting.
Dining Room - Before
1994. Freshening up of the Dining Room. Cleaning, Painting and Fitting.

Salle à Manger - Après
Un peu de nettoyage, un peu de peinture, la table est mise et la piéce est prête à recevoir ses invités.
Dining Room - After.
Some cleaning, some painting, the table is set and the room is ready to welcome back the Château's guests.
Dining Room - After.
Some cleaning, some painting, the table is set and the room is ready to welcome back the Château's guests.

Galerie du Premier Etage - Avant
2002. Le plafond de la galerie était endommagé et les boiseries devaient être repeintes.
First Floor Hallway - Before
2002. The ceiling was damaged and the wall's woodwork had to be repainted.
First Floor Hallway - Before
2002. The ceiling was damaged and the wall's woodwork had to be repainted.

Galerie Premiére étage - Après
Le plafond a été reparé, les boiseries repeintes et les murs couverts de tissus. On place quelques portraits et quelques bustes.
The First Floor Hallway (Gallery) - After.
The ceiling has been fixed and the walls covered with fabric. The woodwork has been painted and some portraits and busts were added to the decoration.
The First Floor Hallway (Gallery) - After.
The ceiling has been fixed and the walls covered with fabric. The woodwork has been painted and some portraits and busts were added to the decoration.
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